This is the right place for you to record your songs professionally.
I help you to produce at the highest technical level according to today's standard.
I advise and show you tricks on how to place your music cleverly on the music market.
Of course I am available to mix and master your finished songs.
I help you to produce at the highest technical level according to today's standard.
I advise and show you tricks on how to place your music cleverly on the music market.
Of course I am available to mix and master your finished songs.
References + Productions
Dear Strange
Mental Reservation Bass Türk Kontor rbb KiKA Kinofilm - Bis zum Horizon und weiter Dear Strange Shane Rose Bud |
Lexy & K-Paul
Captain Coepenick Turek Kidkowski Universal Music radioeins 94,3 rs2 BMG Music Malle Hits Remmi & Demmi Oktoberfest Megamix |
Kolumbus Kill
Morgen Studios GZSZ Sony Music Radio ENERGY Antenne BRANDENBURG Dorian E. Spring Break Mr.Sun Sain Marie Records |
Die Partymacher
Ayman Damenbands Grundy UFA Radio rtl 104.6 MDR JUMP Bravo Hits Komisch Elektronisch Duck or Dove Strong Together |
Tropical Islands
Flowlife Playmobil ZDF Bayerischer Rundfunk radio B2 Kinofilm - Dumm Gelaufen Oktoberfest TOP 50 Outbreak Sampler Colours of Infarmy |